Remembering Bygone Days II.

James Barrie said, "God gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December." This post contains some reminiscences of my class mates, some of the interesting things I want to remember. I hope my friends won't mind for writing about them here. Its because I find it interesting. 

Lopen Zhip Tshoel (Research).

Phub Dorji was the Lopen Zhip Tshoel of our class. He got this name because during discussions and question answer sessions he would always say that he did some research and found out something else to support his answer. Actually he really does that in real. He chases every lecturer and enquires a lot if he had doubts which many of us don’t dare to do. For this reason, we despise him sometimes for making the class bit longer especially when we wanted free periods. But his persistence helps us a lot at the end of the semester. A true lover and a very sincere talented guy.

Lopen Pey Tam (Quotes)

We can, with 100% expect him to utter a quote and relate it to whatever he speaks. His talks become interesting with this unique style of his. I would always wonder if he prepares what he’s going to speak every day in advance. His conversation includes poetry and often indirect speeches. One would not understand him unless we ponder on what he said. He will Praise us amazingly and finally leave us most of us snubbed. Popularly Known as Janey because he calls everyone Janey and finally he got the name back to himself. An artistic and creative guy.

Many interesting Lopens remaining. Will continue in next post.


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