Thanks for Treating us Well.
Lately I watched a movie known as The Stoning of Soraya. The movie is about how women in some parts of the world face irresistible torture (Stoning in the film), how they are over powered and how hundreds of women went through such tortures. Stoning , or lapidation, is a form of capital punishment whereby a group throws stones at a person until the person dies. This punishment is one of many uncivil punishments, imposed to offenders in some parts of the world. Slower than other forms of execution, stoning is a form of execution by torture . Women’s vulnerability and helplessness is clearly portrayed in the movie (I am not going to talk about the whole movie here). Women are considered low; they are made to live in their husband’s authority and treated like slaves, not life partners. Despite many human rights protests and Conventions against women, this type of practice seems to still exist in some corners of the world. Women are tormented in the name of God and Religion. ...