
Showing posts from 2016

Closer to Home

Shall we go for a picnic? Lets go for shopping. Are we going for the Wang (Blessing)? The answers to the questions are always a NO. A polite NO with pretty good excuses. Are you going to play the upcoming football tournament? Are you taking part in these and that.....all out of home.... A delightful Yes! Basically, he likes to go out and encourages me to go out as well. He often said, he missed his free bachelor life. When we first married, he was the one who gave me lots of love and attention. He loved to spent more time together with me. He once asked for a date over a Dzongkha movie which now he never watches even if its compulsory. After marriage, it became just the opposite. I was the one seeking attention instead. My married life became unromantic day by day. I was the housekeeper and our home was just a shelter. I wanted him to spend more time with me but for him, his friends and social life was more important. I think this is the point of time when most husband an...