
Showing posts from September, 2011

Dra Gi Pang Tsho.

  The embraced lake..... Bird eye view of Dra gi pang tso. It was my first time to visit such a place. Unlike lhakhangs and gonpas i never went to visit Tso's in my life.Dra gi pang tso is a 3 day walk from Paro town. we went there in Autumn 2010. As it is located very far from the human settlement it is so peaceful. Around 25 of us went there, held nights on the way and prayed there. It was a tiring journey but memorable once we are back here. Though we suffered a lot walking it was worth-suffering because the place is so beautiful...................Hoping to go there once again. From the left: Damcho Dorj, Chado om. Choki Dorji, myself, Tenzin Norzang and Pema Wangchuk.                                            ...

The best is yet to begin!!!!!!!!

THE BEST IS YET TO BEGIN!!! She is an angel fallen from the sky Made for the archangel we have, Her eyes is what I adore the most It seems to me that it will brighten the world. My king, you are the nation's Pride And my queen you are like a green jade, So beautiful yet so rare You are sure made for each other. And on this special event, with your lovely Ashi I wish you a very lovely life May your marriage be a fairy tale           Happy ever after!!!